"Machaa! Im very sorry. But we cannot pardy now as you fellows say. We are all dying!" replies Ramaswami.
"Dying? Ah! Food poisoning aa? So that is why Kukuswami is rolling on the floor beating his stomach with a cricket bat."
The leader thinks for a minute, chewing on his lower lip, lost in though. He suddenly smiles and snaps his fingers.
"I got it. Kappam Meen Curry will fix your problem but they will only think of Kappam Meen Curry for the next three days. Roychan! Where are you? Cook some Kappam Meen Curry! Ramaswami! You should be thanking me! I have saved you."
Ramaswami clutches his stomach, groans and faints, falling right onto a conveniently placed bun.
"I say Ramaswami, that bun has saved you from brain damage. And now, we shall save your stomach."
They force feed an unconscious Ramaswami with Kappam Meen Curry and then do the same to the rest. They all regain consciousness and complain about the arrack!
"It is not the arrack you yeediat buggers! It was the frog! The Venatricroakatist!"
The Mundu Cheta leader snaps his fingers and when this doesn't work whistles to get everybody's attention. "If it is a frog problem then Jovin can help you! He has just come back from France where he was the number one frog catcher and frog eater! He has done an amazing amazing job in my garden! If you also have cockroach problem, you can tell Kunyu. Number one cockroach catcher in China!"
Jovin nods at Ramaswami and goes off in search of the forg. All of a sudden they hear Ramaswami's katar katar Bajaj scooter start up and they all rush to the window. The frog is remarkable in more than just its vocal abilities! It can ride bikes! The frog puts the bike in gear, does a wheel spin and zooms away, followed by Jovin on his Yamaha Rx, fork and knife in his back jeans pocket, and napkin tied around his neck.
"Curses! I would have succeeded if it wasn't for you meddling mallus!" cries the frog as it rides away.
Ramaswami clutches his stomach, groans and faints, falling right onto a conveniently placed bun.
"I say Ramaswami, that bun has saved you from brain damage. And now, we shall save your stomach."
They force feed an unconscious Ramaswami with Kappam Meen Curry and then do the same to the rest. They all regain consciousness and complain about the arrack!
"It is not the arrack you yeediat buggers! It was the frog! The Venatricroakatist!"
The Mundu Cheta leader snaps his fingers and when this doesn't work whistles to get everybody's attention. "If it is a frog problem then Jovin can help you! He has just come back from France where he was the number one frog catcher and frog eater! He has done an amazing amazing job in my garden! If you also have cockroach problem, you can tell Kunyu. Number one cockroach catcher in China!"
Jovin nods at Ramaswami and goes off in search of the forg. All of a sudden they hear Ramaswami's katar katar Bajaj scooter start up and they all rush to the window. The frog is remarkable in more than just its vocal abilities! It can ride bikes! The frog puts the bike in gear, does a wheel spin and zooms away, followed by Jovin on his Yamaha Rx, fork and knife in his back jeans pocket, and napkin tied around his neck.
"Curses! I would have succeeded if it wasn't for you meddling mallus!" cries the frog as it rides away.
Kappam Meen Curry? What's that?!
tapioca and fish curry
thanks. LOL ^^
Tanmay dude :D Nice :D
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